Azienda consigliata

ID:529 Mercato delle Gaite a Bevagna - Festa Medievale* - Bevagna (Perugia)

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Gaite people

- Gaite people

Bevagna medieval centre

- Bevagna medieval centre

Medieval tabards

- Medieval tabards

Medieval representations

- Medieval representations

People participating to the Gaite

- People participating to the Gaite

Gaite medieval market

- Gaite medieval market

Bevagna medieval centre detail

- Bevagna medieval centre detail

Fountain and church

- Fountain and church

Bevagna Corso

- Bevagna Corso

Bevagna Theatre

- Bevagna Theatre

Gaita San Giovanni Logo

- Gaita San Giovanni Logo

Gaita San Giorgio Logo

- Gaita San Giorgio Logo

Gaita Santa Maria Logo

- Gaita Santa Maria Logo

Gaita San Pietro Logo

- Gaita San Pietro Logo

The medieval market by night

- The medieval market by night








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The Event

Gaite medieval market is based on Bevagna four parts named Gaite that governed the town in the medieval age.
Aim of the event is to represent the medieval real life in all its details.
At the end of June Bevagna spends 10 days working on this project.
The 4 Gaites participate to 4 tournaments: medieval market preparation, medieval works representation, food and wine preparation, arch tournament. 

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Dicono di noi:   Eccezionale   ★★★★★       9,61 su 10 basato su 402 recensioni   Scrivi recensione